You Never Heard Of Me #4 (CVR A) (Elisa Romboli)

You Never Heard Of Me #4 (CVR A) (Elisa Romboli)

Pre-OrderLast day to pre-order is 4/24/2025
This item transfers to your collection on Upper Deck e-Pack® immediately upon purchase. Expected date this item can be traded and shipped on e-Pack® is 6/11/2025*LEARN MORE
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Families are complicated. Families where someone has the mysterious power of foresight are even more complicated. To preserve his family's delicate balance, and to heal wounds older than he is, Will is going to need all his courage. But being a hero for yourself is so much harder than being one for others. • Five issue series.
Release Date
Artist:Elisa Romboli
Cover Artist:Elisa Romboli
Writer:Iolanda Zanfardino
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Estimated date this item can be shipped:6/11/2025*
Age Rating:Rated T
SKU: 116730
*Dates are estimates and are subject to change without notice. All comic books sold on Collect Forever™ are shipped in a Soft Slab. Any oversized comic book will be bagged and boarded and will not include a Soft Slab.
Product depicted for demonstration purposes only and is subject to change without further notice.