Star Trek: Defiant #26 Cover A (Ward)

Star Trek: Defiant #26 Cover A (Ward)

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Star Trek: Defiant #26 Cover A (Ward) Variants
Star Trek: Defiant #26 Variant RI (Lendl Full Art)
Star Trek: Defiant #26 Variant RI (Lendl Full Art)
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Part two of “Lore War.” On one side of the war, Worf, Shaxs, Alexander, and others who once valued honor above all have now been designed by the malevolent android Lore to uphold his dictatorial rule; on the other side, a rebel Maquis fleet, Kahless II, Beverly, Sisko, and all those who know the truth behind their current reality endeavor to tear it down with what little resources they have. But not everything is as hopeless as it seems: There are allies hidden in the unlikeliest of places and assets—like the famous U.S.S. Phoenix—that escape even the all-seeing positronic eye of Lore.
Release Date
Artist:Davide Tinto
Cover Artist:Malachi Ward
Writer:Christopher Cantwell
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Estimated date this item can be shipped:5/7/2025*
Age Rating:Rated T
SKU: 116580
*Dates are estimates and are subject to change without notice. All comic books sold on Collect Forever™ are shipped in a Soft Slab. Any oversized comic book will be bagged and boarded and will not include a Soft Slab.
Product depicted for demonstration purposes only and is subject to change without further notice.