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Batman #614 Facsimile Edition CVR B Jim Lee & Scott Williams Foil VAR

Batman #614 Facsimile Edition CVR B Jim Lee & Scott Williams Foil VAR

Pre-OrderLast day to pre-order is 3/6/2025
This item transfers to your collection on Upper Deck e-Pack® immediately upon purchase. Expected date this item can be traded and shipped on e-Pack® is 4/23/2025*LEARN MORE
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All comics sold on Collect Forever™ come encased in a Soft Slab™. LEARN MORE
The shock of the Joker's latest apparent victim sends the Dark Knight careening down a path that can only end one way: the death of the Joker by Batman's own hands. With Batman finally giving in to his need to end the menace of his most hated enemy once and for all, can anyone pull him back from the brink before it's too late?
Release Date
Artist:Jim Lee, Scott Williams
Cover Artist:Jim Lee, Scott Williams
Writer:Jeph Loeb
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Estimated date this item can be shipped:4/23/2025*
SKU: 116795
*Dates are estimates and are subject to change without notice. All comic books sold on Collect Forever™ are shipped in a Soft Slab. Any oversized comic book will be bagged and boarded and will not include a Soft Slab.
Product depicted for demonstration purposes only and is subject to change without further notice.