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Arcbound #5 (CVR C) (Christian Ward)

Arcbound #5 (CVR C) (Christian Ward)

Pre-OrderLast day to pre-order is 2/27/2025
This item transfers to your collection on Upper Deck e-Pack® immediately upon purchase. Expected date this item can be traded and shipped on e-Pack® is 4/23/2025*LEARN MORE
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All comics sold on Collect Forever™ come encased in a Soft Slab™. LEARN MORE
New York Times bestselling-author Scott Snyder, comics titan Frank Tieri and acclaimed artist Ryan Smallman with contributions by Oscar-nominated actor Tom Hardy to bring you a bold new sci-fi saga!   The heist begins! Kai and Barnes begin the mission to break into the Vault, but what defenses lie in wait for them inside? And whose side is Kai even on, anyway? • 12 issue series.
Release Date
Artist:Ryan Smallman
Cover Artist:Christian Ward
Writer:Tom Hardy
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Estimated date this item can be shipped:4/23/2025*
SKU: 115838
*Dates are estimates and are subject to change without notice. All comic books sold on Collect Forever™ are shipped in a Soft Slab. Any oversized comic book will be bagged and boarded and will not include a Soft Slab.
Product depicted for demonstration purposes only and is subject to change without further notice.